Warframe Pyrana Prime Build (2025)

1. Warframe Pyrana Prime Builds - Overframe

  • Pyrana · Best endgame status/crit... · +Millions DPS + Slash + Heat...

  • Three kills in rapid succession to summon a second ethereal Pyrana for twice the deadly punch.

Warframe Pyrana Prime Builds - Overframe

2. 5 Forma Pyrana Prime Build by Adinesz - Pyrana Best build 2024

5 Forma Pyrana Prime Build by Adinesz - Pyrana Best build 2024

3. Pyrana Prime - WARFRAME Wiki - Fandom

  • Pyrana Prime is the Primed variant of Pyrana, sporting higher critical stats, longer range before damage falloff occurs, increased magazine size, ...

  • Pyrana Prime is the Primed variant of  Pyrana, sporting higher critical stats, longer range before damage falloff occurs, increased magazine size, and faster reload, at the expense of damage and slower fire rate. To compensate for these losses, when the weapon kills thrice in quick succession, a second ethereal Pyrana appears for a short time, transforming the weapon into an akimbo with doubled ammunition and firing speed. It was released alongside  Limbo Prime and  Destreza Prime. This weapon d

Pyrana Prime - WARFRAME Wiki - Fandom

4. Pyrana Prime Build - Warframe Blog

  • Jul 6, 2018 · The Pyrana Prime is a fully automatic secondary shotgun that requires to be at least mastery rank 13 to use. It does 240 damage per shot 201.6 ...

  • Hello everyone and welcome to another Warframe build article. Today we’re gonna take a quick look at Pyrana Prime our newest secondary shotgun that was just introduced with Limbo Prime.

Pyrana Prime Build - Warframe Blog

5. Pyrana prime build | Fandom - WARFRAME Wiki

  • I just maxed out my pyrana prime and wanted to know the best build for it. Any ideas? 0. 6. 0. Gerbilll!!!'s avatar · Gerbilll!!!· 7/13/2018. Yeah.

  • I just maxed out my pyrana prime and wanted to…

Pyrana prime build | Fandom - WARFRAME Wiki

6. Secondary Weapon Builds - Warframe blog

  • Hello everyone and welcome to another Warframe build article. Today we're gonna take a quick look at Pyrana Prime our newest secondary shotgun that was just ...

  • Every Secondary Weapon in Warframe you can build in a thousand various ways, and there is plenty of room to tweak it on your end, therefore please don’t take it as if the Weapon Builds below were carved in stone. You can copy any build precisely, and it’s going to work fine, of course, but I’d think of Secondary Weapon Builds below as more of an inspiration for your builds because you can play around with different values: critical chance, status chance, critical multiplier, damage, and even type of damage.

Secondary Weapon Builds - Warframe blog

7. Warframe: Pyrana Prime - Status Build (Budget Build) Update 23.0.6+

  • Duration: 2:07Posted: Oct 22, 2018

8. Review: Pyrana Prime (U24.5.5) - Ackbar's Tenno Report

  • Mar 26, 2019 · With two native V polarities, the Pyrana Prime can fit in a pretty decent basic build. Nothing special about this pictured build, Damage, ...

  • The Pyrana Prime is an MR13 Full-Auto secondary shotgun. Released alongside Limbo and Destreza Primes in U23.0.3, it has very good crit an...

Review: Pyrana Prime (U24.5.5) - Ackbar's Tenno Report
Warframe Pyrana Prime Build (2025)


Is Pyrana Prime still good? ›

Pyrana prime used to be one of the best secondaries in the game but de nerfed it hard. It's still the most fun secondary imo but it's not great. Due to it's recent spike in use de will probably finish the job and make it completely worthless. If it was buffed just a little bit it would be possible to use in high level.

Is Pyrana Prime a shotgun? ›

Chew through the enemy with this vicious automatic hand shotgun. Slash damage, the Pyrana can easily decimate groups of lightly armored targets or the Infested. However, this is counterbalanced by its high recoil and damage falloff.

Is Prime better than normal Warframe? ›

A Prime Warframe will often contain additional polarity slots compared to the normal version, and Prime weapons will also boast superior performance or other advantages against their counterparts. Due to its rarity, Prime technology is coveted throughout the Solar System.

Why are primes so expensive? ›

It's all about the hype and the quality. From its influencer-led marketing to its healthier ingredient list, Prime stands out in a sea of hydration options. Plus, the exclusivity of limited-edition flavors keeps fans coming back for more, even if it means shelling out a few extra dollars.

Is Reaper Prime vaulted? ›

On March 24th, Frost Prime, Latron Prime, and Reaper Prime will enter the Prime Vault, with all of their crafting parts abolished from The Void. If you already wield the power of these Primes, they will remain in your inventory.

What shotgun do Navy SEALs use? ›

Navy SEALs use the Benelli M4 Super 90, Mossberg 590, and Remington 870 combat shotguns. The Benelli M4 Super 90, also known as the M1014 Joint Service Shotgun, is generally preferred. It was first delivered to the U.S. Marine Corps in 1999 after intense testing.

Is the Tatsu Prime vaulted? ›

On next Prime release (which should be Xaku Prime around the Tennocon) the Revenant Prime, Phantasma Prime and Tatsu Prime will be vaulted.

Is primed pistol gambit good? ›

Unlike most Primed mods, Primed Pistol Gambit offers less critical chance per rank than its normal version, giving only 17% per rank compared to Pistol Gambit's 20%. However, Primed Pistol Gambit has a higher maximum rank along with a lower overall mod cost for similar benefits.

Which is better rubico prime or vectis prime? ›

Rubico prime is superior. 38Cc and 3x multi versus 30Cc and only a 2x multi for vectis prime. The zoom is crit dmage bonus for Rubico (already a higher number, just getting bigger) versus headshot dmg on Vectis. Less scope zoom for Rubico and a larger clip.

Why is rubico prime so good? ›

Notes. The Rubico Prime requires only a single shot to activate its Shot Combo Counter, giving it an immediate 1.5x total damage multiplier after the first shot, and a 2.0x total damage multiplier after its third shot, giving it the ability to quickly ramp up its damage with a single magazine.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.